by Andy Sutton

These pages showcase my studio photography hobby. I do free photo shoots for friends and their friends. Just contact me. Best way is via Facebook - see below


The images on this page are old, the main gallery can now be found here

Tempted? Read this


Perpetuum home

Andy's main site

Me on FB
Andy on Facebook

Background and more information

A few people have asked me if I charge, or if I intend to grow this into a business. No. For a mix of reasons - I'm not good enough; my equipment is quite good as an amateur but not as good as a pro; I don't want the hassle of contracts, accounts, and disputes etc; it's all done in my house and I don't want to (and probably shouldn't) run a business from home; it's an interest and don't want it to become routine and repetitive; and I really like to do this and hope to get better. I would no more charge for doing a photo shoot than I would for cooking a meal for a friend. Or their friend.

I don't have a particular ambition - I just want to feel competent and to take photos that I and others are happy with. I'd love it ever one of my photos got published somewhere, but I'm not chasing that. I do love praise!

I am really keen to do many more shoots, so please don't hesitate to get in touch with me and set something up.

This website is designed by me using Adobe Dreamweaver, which is something else I enjoy doing. The gallery page uses Tiny Web Gallery, a rather wonderful photo display facility written and (excellently supported) by Michael Dempfle.

If you want to know more about the equipment I use, or about techniques for taking photos etc, I'm more than happy to answer, and there are great sources online. If you want to advise me that would be very welcome too.

Why did I call it "Perpetuum Photography"? It arose out of a conversation with my daughter in which we explored some ideas to name it. We worked through a list of concepts that we felt appropriate (lots and lots), then tried to find words that fitted. We hit on the idea of making a passing event into something that is a permanent. So "perpetual" came up, and I think I just liked to twist that into something a little more distinctive and unusual, hence "perpetuum" (it's in a song title by The Penguin Cafe Orchestra that I love). The idea for the logo was something that used the words to evoke a mountain (ie permanence). I kind of like that it also looks a bit like a P (for Perpetuum) and also an A (my first initial).

Big, enormous, huge thanks from me to the people who have let me take these photos, and to use them in my portfolio.