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New Year resolutionists
The Wardrobe

Research has revealed that in the secret part of most people's homes, one member or another is inclined to not quite get round to putting their clothes away at night, and discarded items form an ever changing pile near the bedside. At this time of year, the Wardrobe resolves, briefly, to put all clothes away at night. It doesn't last long. A favourite, though utterly unconvincing, excuse is "Well, I'll be wearing these again tomorrow, so what's the point?". We all know however that this means that of all the clothes that could be worn tomorrow, the only set which will not be worn is that set newly arranged on the carpet. Sometimes, something from earlier in the week might be retrieved from the pile, but the only effect of this is to convert what was once an annoying but at least tidy pile on the floor into an annoying and thoroughly messy pile on the floor. The Wardrobe knows their problem, and cannot give a satisfactory explanation for this behaviour, so humour is used to fend off attacks, as in: "Why are these clothes on the floor? "I think its the effect of gravity." The Wardrobe, in fact, never seriously tries to change behaviour.